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갤러리 본문 영역

11 Ways To Destroy Your Integrated Freezer앱에서 작성

ㅇㅇ 24-04-28 05:59
조회 2 추천 0 다음 게시글
The Benefits of an Integrated Freezer

The design is designed to blend in with your kitchen, and appear hidden behind the cabinet doors, integrated freezers provide all the storage space you require without sacrificing the stylish fitted look. These models are available as split 50/50 or 70/30 refrigerator/freezer models.

cookology-ccfz99bk-freestanding-99-litre-chest-freezer-suitable-for-outbuildings-garages-and-sheds-features-a-refrigeration-mode-adjustable-temperature-control-and-4-star-freezer-rating-in-black.jpgIntegrated fridge freezers are typically similar in size to freestanding models, which is around 54-55cm. This is to ensure that they will fit into a normal refrigerator housing cabinet.

Discreet design

The main feature of an integrated freezer is that it blends into the cabinetry in the kitchen, cloaking the appliance behind the door. This modern, sleek design is a favorite among homeowners who want an uncluttered and minimalist look. Furthermore, it's a great option for those who live in a small house or open-plan living area as the fridge that is freestanding will typically take up valuable floor space.

An integrated freezer is designed to sit seamlessly within a fitted kitchen, without affecting the style you've invested time and money perfecting. By combining two appliances into one it allows you to make a smaller layout that is easier to keep tidy.

The integrated fridge freezers come in fixed and sliding hinge models. It is important to choose the correct installation method so that your appliance fits correctly. It's all in how the cabinet doors are connected to your fridge freezer. Most cabinets can be fitted with either. However, it's always best to first confirm.

The height of an integrated fridge and freezer can also differ. There are low-mid-height options which are about 130cm tall. There are also taller 178cm versions that can be fitted into the majority of cabinet widths.

There is also several fridge and freezer door splits that you can choose from. There are fridge freezers that are integrated which provide equally space for storage in the freezer and refrigerator sections. Other choices include 60:40 and 70 that offer more freezer space than fridge space.

Another benefit of having an integrated fridge freezer is that it requires less maintenance than a standalone model. It is also believed to last longer than the freezer or refrigerator that is freestanding. The reason is because they aren't subject to the elements as a freestanding model which means they are less likely to become damaged by extreme temperatures or humidity levels. The integrated fridge freezers use less energy than their freestanding counterparts. This can help you reduce your carbon footprint and energy bills.

Smart technology

An integrated freezer is a great option for those who want modern, sleek kitchen design. They combine the freezer and refrigerator into one unit that can be fitted into your fitted kitchen, without affecting the look you have spent thousands of dollars and hours creating. They are additionally more discreet than refrigerator freezers that are freestanding, which can be an advantage if your goal is to keep the look of your kitchen as neat and harmonious as possible.

They're still equipped with the features of a freestanding unit, including frost-free techniqes, reversible door and an integrated water and ice dispenser. There are also energy efficient options to help reduce your bills and stay green while keeping your food fresh.

The fridge freezer you pick can be fixed or sliding based on the kind of installation you have chosen for your kitchen cabinets. The width of a refrigerator that is integrated is usually 60cm, to ensure it fits into the housing cabinet. You will also need to check the dimensions of your cabinet since it can differ too. You will find both smaller'midi' models that measure 130cm, and taller 'full height' options that measure 190cm.

The latest integrated freezers come with intelligent features that allow you to monitor and Eco-Friendly freezers control your appliance remotely. By using a compatible smartphone app, you can keep a close eye on your fridge's contents and set reminders to purchase groceries, and more. Some even have speed-freeze settings that rapidly lower the temperature to ensure that your foods are kept fresh for longer.

Some models have antibacterial linings that reduce the smell and also help to stop the growth of mould. They also have a super-cool feature which rapidly lowers the temperature so that food can be cooled faster. You can also find models with HarvestFresh salad drawers which are designed to keep vegetables and fruits fresher for longer periods of time and NeoFrost technology that makes use of two separate cooling systems for freezer and fridge compartments so they maintain the same temperature and are accessible at the same time.

You can also find refrigerators with holiday mode, which is ideal for trips. It will lower the temperature of the refrigerator and switch to manual operation. You can also find models that have a quiet system to reduce the sound.

Easy to install

In contrast to freestanding models which stand out from the rest, integrated freezers blend seamlessly into your kitchen design, allowing you to create a cohesive design. A popular choice for those with contemporary-style kitchens and open-plan living spaces, they fit perfectly behind cabinet doors and offer all the functionality of a freestanding appliance without taking away from your décor.

Follow the steps and refer to the installation kit to ensure that your integrated fridge freezer is installed correctly. Based on the model you select, it might require additional steps such as adding or removing an bridging cabinet over the fridge freezer if your cabinet is less than the cabinets that house it on either side.

It is also crucial that your new integrated refrigerator freezer is installed on a wall that is able to support the weight of the appliance. It may tip over and cause damage or leave exposed cuts if it's not properly mounted.

Many of the most recent fridge-freezers also offer intelligent technology that can assist reduce the daily burden of kitchen tasks, such as defrosting. These features are concealed so that you don't notice initially however they can make a huge differences to the appliance. They can also help you save money by the reduction of energy consumption.

When selecting an integrated freezer, select one that has hinges made of a strong material like stainless steel. Poor quality hinges will be rusty and wear away quickly, so invest in the best hinges that can be relied on for a long time.

Our range of integrated refrigerator freezers has something for all. We offer a variety of options, from affordable to top of the line. There's everything from small models from brands such as Beko, Candy and Hotpoint, to premium fridge-freezers from brands like Bosch, AEG and Neff. Visit us in Cardiff for expert advice or browse our website. We look forward to meeting you soon.

Energy efficient

Integrated fridge freezers are designed to slot seamlessly into your fitted kitchen, without affecting the style you've spent your time on. But that doesn't mean they're less efficient than freestanding models - quite contrary, in fact. Refrigerators with integrated freezers use less energy because they combine refrigeration and freezing within one appliance. They also come with advanced features like ActiveSmart Foodcare and All Around cooling, which reduces energy consumption further by circulating air more effectively in the freezer and fridge compartments to ensure that your food is at the right temperature.

Our range of integrated fridge freezers includes options with various capacities, so you will be able to find the ideal model for your kitchen. Our Montpellier MITF197 Integrated Tall No Frost Freezer, for instance, has eight freezer compartments, each with capacities of 197 Liters. This means that you can store anything from frozen vegetables to ice-cream. The freezer compartments are accessible thanks to the slide-out drawer design, and chrome trims on each compartment add the perfect finish to this sleek model.

Fridge freezers consume a large amount of electricity each year, which is why selecting a model that is efficient is essential. You should look for a rating of A+ to A on the Energy Label and check the site of the manufacturer for complete details on the product. A lower rating means that your fridge or freezer will consume less energy and can save money in the long run.

Many fridge Eco-Friendly freezers with integrated refrigerators have 70/30 split, which gives you more space in your fridge than in the freezer specifications, which is ideal for those who prepare fresh meals on a regular basis. They're also equipped with frost-free technology to reduce the need for maintenance and energy use.

If you're replacing a fridge freezer, make sure it's a 60cm-wide model. If you are planning to build a new home you'll need to put a bridging cabinet above the refrigerator freezer that is integrated if it's located between cabinets. This will create a ring around it and protect the cut edges of the housing.

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