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What's The Job Market For List Of Psychiatrists Near Me Professionals …앱에서 작성

ㅇㅇ 24-06-12 00:16
조회 6 추천 0 다음 게시글
Psychiatrylogo-IamPsychiatry.pngA List of Psychiatrists Near Me

If you're looking for a psychiatrist near you there are a few things to think about. Choose what you would like from a therapist, and take into consideration your budget and scheduling needs.

A psychiatrist in near me is specialized in diagnosing and treating emotional and mental disorders. They concentrate on the psychological, social, and biological components of disorders, diseases and conditions.

Dr. Iskander Enikeev

Psychiatrists are medical professionals who specialize in the treatment of mental health patients. They treat a variety of illnesses, including depression anxiety disorders and bipolar disorder. In the majority of cases, psychiatrists use talk therapy in conjunction with medication to control the symptoms of their patients.

Dr. Iskander Enikeev is a renowned psychiatrist who treats patients suffering from different psychiatric disorders. He has over 40 years of experience in the field and received his medical degree from Kazan State Medical University in Russia. He later immigrated to the United States and completed an internship at Flower-Fifth Avenue New York Medical Hospital. He is also fluent in Russian and English which enables him to communicate with his patients.

Dr. Iskander Iskanderenikeev is a private doctor in Brooklyn, NY. He accepts Medicare and Aetna as well as many other insurance plans. He is a specialist in anxiety psychiatrist near me disorders, eating disorders and phobias. He is also proficient in using psychotherapy to help patients overcome their problems. His punctuality and attention to detail are frequently praised by his patients. He also makes sure to follow up after each appointment. He is a kind doctor who is enjoyable to work with.

Dr. Amanda Itzkoff

Dr. Amanda Itzkoff is a psychiatrist from New York City with over 21 years of experience treating patients with various mental health disorders, including addiction and depression. She is friendly and non-judgmental approach to treatment. She specializes in using the latest techniques of psychotherapy and pharmacology to treat a wide variety of illnesses. She is a private practitioner in Manhattan and an assistant professor of medicine at Mount Sinai School of Medicine.

She graduated from Cornell University with the co-valedictorian of class and attended NYU School of Medicine. She then completed her psychiatry residency at the Mount Sinai Medical Center, where she was awarded the Adele Zinberg Award for Women's Leadership in Psychiatry. She has been recognized as a Patients' Choice doctor and won the famous Most Compassionate award multiple times.

She has extensive experience with IV ketamine therapy and is considered an expert in psychedelic psychiatry. She is also skilled in the treatment of mood disorders, anxiety disorders, PTSD, OCD, and attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder. She employs a collaborative method to develop individualized care plans. She works with patients to understand their needs and goals.

Dr. Yuryev-Golger

Dr. Yuryev is a psychiatrist who practices in Brooklyn, New York. She sees patients of any age. She provides in-person and online appointments and accepts a variety of insurance plans. She treats adults with various ailments, including depression, anxiety and bipolar disorder. Her treatment approach is the use of psychotherapy in conjunction with medication.

She has been working as a psychiatrist for more than 30 years and runs a private practice in New York City. She received her medical doctorate from the University of Vermont College of Medicine and has completed three residencies in psychiatry. She is a member American Psychiatric Association.

The office is open from 9am until 5pm on Mondays, Wednesdays, and Fridays. She also provides evening and weekend appointments. She is a board certified psychiatrist who specializes in treating adults with depression, anxiety, and bipolar disorder.

Dr. Inna Yuryev Golger has been practicing in Brooklyn since 1999. She graduated from Kharkov Medical School in Ukraine and completed her residency at Columbia Presbyterian Medical Center. She is multilingual, and speaks English, Russian and Ukrainian. She is currently accepting new patients and appointments via telehealth. She accepts Medicare and Medicaid. She is registered with PECOS, where she can order Medicare Part B services such as clinical laboratory and imaging, home health agency, and power mobility.

Dr. Lauren Osborne

Dr. Lauren Osborne is an associate professor of Psychiatry and Behavioral Sciences and of Obstetrics and Gynecology at Weill Cornell Medicine. Her research is focused on the biological processes that underlie mental disorders that occur during pregnancy, with an emphasis on neurosteroids. She also directs the clinical advanced training program in reproductive psychosis.

When you are trying to treat bipolar disorder during pregnancy, there are several important aspects to take into consideration. First, the patient has to be on a stable dosage of medication. Otherwise there is a chance of relapse. The medicines taken during this time period must be safe for both the mother and fetus. The benzodiazepines, like diazepam and alprazolam, should not be used. They can cause sedation and respiratory distress in infants, particularly when used in high doses. Instead, Osborne usually recommends the use of intermediate-acting drugs like lorazepam.

Another crucial aspect of treatment is the frequency and duration of visits. The goal is to decrease the number of visits while still ensuring the patient receives the appropriate treatment. Osborne was the lead in a recent study that compared remote telehealth with in-person treatment when it came to pregnant women suffering from depression. The results showed that in-person and telehealth care were equally efficient.

Dr. Maya Hubert

Dr. Maya Hubert, a psychiatrist in New York, specializes in child and adolescents psychiatry. She graduated from Albany Medical College, and now works in private practice. She has written a number of articles on a variety of subjects, including cognitive impairment and autism spectrum disorders. She is involved in research and has presented at a number of conferences.

She is a fellow of the American Academy of Child and Adolescent Psychopharmacology. She has a strong interest in social justice and mental health advocacy. She has been involved in clinical research with a particular focus on depression in adolescents and negative symptoms of Schizophrenia.

While in her undergraduate degree she worked with refugees in Torbat-e Jam, Iran. This experience led her to become interested in global psychology and the psychological impact of forced migration on people and their families. She lives in Manhattan with her husband and three dogs. She loves running in Central Park and watching true crime documentaries during her spare time.

Dr. Maya Hubert has enrolled in Medicare and is able to prescribe drugs for patients with Part D coverage. She accepts a variety of insurance plans, such as UnitedHealthcare and Blue Cross Blue Shield. You can contact her via her website if need more information.

Dr. Kalliopi Nissirios

Dr. Kalliopi Nissirios has been a psychiatrist for over 11 years in New York. She is affiliated with multiple hospitals in the area, including NewYork-Presbyterian/Columbia University Irving Medical Center and Christian Health Care Center. She earned her medical degree from the University of Athens and is licensed to practice in New York.

Psychiatrists are doctors who specialize in the diagnosis and treatment of mental illness. They can assist patients with a variety of mental disorders including depression and anxiety. They also treat alcohol and drug addictions. They can also help manage long-term mental illnesses and provide emotional support to their patients.

This doctor is currently accepting new patients. Call the number shown on their profile to set up an appointment. They accept many insurance plans, including Medicare. The Sharecare insurance checker will inform you whether your plan is accepted.

This provider has reported to the NPI enumerator additional taxonomy codes. These codes could be related to subspecialties or other specializations for which the provider is licensed. This information is provided for educational purposes only and is not meant to substitute for your primary healthcare provider's expertise.

Dr. George Alexopoulos

George Alexopoulos, a psychiatrist who specializes in the field of geriatric mental health, List Of Psychiatrists Near Me is an associate of the Weill Cornell Institute of Geriatric Psychiatry. He is a professor of psychiatry and is a member of the Weill-Cornell Institute of Geriatric Psychiatry. He was named a distinguished fellow of the American Psychiatric Association. His research focuses primarily on neurobiological issues that accompany depressions in late life, new treatment strategies and improving community-based care.

He has been awarded grants and has published a number of articles. His work has been recognized by the Greenberg Research Award of the APA, the Joseph Zubin Research Award of the International Society for Geriatric Psychoneuropharmacology, and the Legacies Award of LifeForce in Later Years. He is also the founder director of the NIMH's Advanced Center for Interventions and Services Research on Late-Life Depression.

His research on psychosocial interventions for depression in the late stages of life discovered that "reward exposure" is a type of cognitive behavioral therapy (CBT) -is not superior to PST. It can make effective psychotherapy accessible to a wide range of older adults with depression. His research is funded by NIMH grants P30 MH085943 and K24 MH074717, and the Sanchez Foundation. He has been on the scientific advisory boards of Forest Pharmaceuticals and Cephalon, and has also been a guest speaker for Astra Zeneca, Novartis, Takeda-Lundbeck, and Comprehensive Neuroscience.

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