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갤러리 본문 영역

Why We Do We Love Narrow American Fridge Freezer (And You Should Too!)앱에서 작성

ㅇㅇ 24-04-26 19:14
조회 2 추천 0 다음 게시글
How to Choose the Best American Fridge Freezers

The capacity of these American fridge freezers is huge enough that they can remove the need for a huge refrigerator and a packed freezer. They are often equipped with useful features too, like frost-free freezers and a fast-freeze function that prevents fresh food from sticking.

haier-hsr3918enpg-freestanding-american-style-side-by-side-fridge-freezer-528l-capacity-a-e-energy-rated-silver-1.jpgThe majority of american fridges freezers models require plumbing, which could limit their placement. To reduce your energy bills look for models that have high energy efficiency ratings.


Refrigerator freezers are big and provide plenty of space. They can be costly. Depending on what you need, you may want to select a model that has the bottom freezer or French-door design that offers more freezer space. Take into consideration the ratio between freezer and fridge space. The doors of the fridge and freezer are typically placed above the other in the majority of American models. This ratio is 70:30. However, you can find models that have a 50:50 ratio if you do not purchase lots of frozen food.

This Hisense model is a great option for those who want a large and affordable fridge-freezer. The sleek, minimal design and reversible door can be a perfect fit in any kitchen. It provides plenty of storage space for the fridge and freezer. It has a wine cooler which is perfect for entertaining. Other features include a freezer with no-frost that can avoid the annual misery of chipping away ice an integrated salad crisper that can keep your veg and fruit fresh and LED lighting to help to see what's inside.

This refrigerator can be tailored to your needs thanks to its flexible temperature zones. It also has the holiday mode which allows you to turn off the refrigerator while keeping the freezer operating. The frost-free model is large space, adjustable shelves and a large salad crisper. The energy efficiency class of A+ means that you can expect low running costs.


american non plumbed fridge freezer fridge freezers are a favorite on the Mumsnet forums, offering enthusiastic recommendations for models with smart features and plenty of space. They're costly and take up a large amount of kitchen space So, you must be certain you're able to commit to purchasing one before you make an purchase.

American-style fridge freezers have two doors over each other and the freezer part typically being deeper than the fridge. They are therefore able to have a greater capacity than regular fridge freezers. They also tend to include a variety of innovative technology like full air circulation for efficient cooling, and fancy 0@ vegetable and fruit drawers that last for a long time. freshness.

Some fridges come with cameras that let you look inside the fridge without opening the door. This is great for when you're not feeling inspired and want to look inside before you go shopping or you wish to prevent food waste. LG's sleek and stylish RS67A8810B1 sports an impressively large glass door into the fridge compartment. You can knock twice to look inside or use it to prevent those calorie-burning moments sitting with the door open while you search for something.

This Hisense model is a stylish option with a stainless steel finish. It's easy to stock up on and comes with no-frost technology that saves you from having to break the ice each year. It also has adjustable shelves and LED lights. It's a bit smaller than other options listed in this guide, however it still has plenty of storage space.

Energy efficiency

A fridge freezer is an expensive investment, so it's worth considering the amount of energy it uses. You'll save money over time if you choose models that have high energy efficiency ratings.

Be on the lookout for refrigerators with intelligent features, like cameras built into the fridge, which allow you to view what's inside the fridge without opening it (particularly useful during Covid-19 restrictions). They are available in a variety of resolutions and angles, American-style fridge so you can see how fresh your food is or determine if you need to buy additional milk when you get home.

You can also purchase American fridge freezers that have integrated wine coolers. These will store up 28 bottles of wine and will keep them in top condition. They are ideal if you enjoy wine or have a family member who likes wine.

Refrigerators that have ice and water dispensers give you chilled, filtered water on tap, while automated ice makers eliminate defrosting your freezer for those cold drinks. Certain refrigerators have an ice tray that you can fill with water and then turn to release the cubes.

Other storage options that are useful include chilled drawers for meat, fish and salads, as well as fruits and vegetables. You can also find fridges equipped with reversible doors, which means you can open the appliance on either the left or right side depending on your kitchen layout.

Water dispenser

Fridge freezers that have water dispensers are a great method to obtain ice whether it's crushed, filtered, or chilled. They must, however, be plumbed in this way, which could impact where you put your fridge and add costs. You can avoid this by opting for a model without one or by opting for an individual water filter jug instead.

In addition to storage space, American fridge freezers often come with a number of intelligent features that make life easier. Some fridge freezers have digital displays that allow you to determine the temperature by tapping your finger on them. Some have tablets that let you make shopping lists or watch cooking videos.

Other useful functions include Total No Frost which removes ice from the freezer so you spend less time scraping and mopping. Certain models also have a speed-freeze setting that improves freezing times to have fish and meat ready faster, although this will increase the energy consumption.

haier-hsr3918ewpg-freestanding-american-style-side-by-side-fridge-freezer-with-non-plumbed-water-dispenser-521l-capacity-a-e-energy-rated-silver-7.jpgFind a refrigerator freezer with an open balance drawer that is moist as well as a quick-freeze feature. Many models also have flexible zones that allow you to switch from a refrigerator to a freezer so you can store food items that you need for special occasions. There are also models equipped with twin cooling systems which keep the freezer compartment distinct from the fridge, stopping cool, dry air from drying food items and allowing it to remain frozen for longer.

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